Saturday, 9 July 2011

Blogging from abroad

This blog is getting about as much air-time as my writing.  I'm supposed to have an article under way, but travelling (and having to share the one lap-top) has seriously put a dent in my June/July.

However, I have managed to get my Leeds paper written - mostly.  I need to go through it a couple of times, reading it out loud, to practice slowing down.  I always speak too fast when presenting, so am going to really work on being slow, clear, and at least sounding confident.

Then there is the paper on St1 (for lack of a better cover name).  I have read the primary text through a number of times (usually in translation, but I have looked at the Latin a bit).  The biggest problem with writing about this saint is the lack of secondary material.  While this might sound like a god-send (on saints?!), what it means in practice is that I have to try and find similar issues/ topics on different saints, and then look round for secondary material on those.  Which is a whole lot more work.  Do I search for English saints only?  Female saints only?  Left-handed saints?

But there was some very helpful notes over on ADM's writing group - such as writing 500 words first thing in the morning - which I will try to enact over this next, busy week, so as to make writing a habit, and to force myself to think more deeply on the topic.

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