Thursday, 9 June 2011

Friday is approaching

Once again, I find that being beholden to someone else really does help with the motivation.  I've managed to get running, by going with a friend.  And I've managed to start writing by owing the Writing Group some kind of honesty.

Of course, I haven't written much yet, but I have thought about writing habits, resolved to get started, and actually made some progress this week.  It's nice to know I can - but would be better if I didn't need the outside influences.  On the other hand, I was talking with the senior lecturer (in the US would be professor) I've been tutoring for, and she was saying that everyone struggles, has trouble getting started, feels like they're not really any good.  Considering that she is my age, and about 3 stages ahead professionally, it was very comforting to hear that.  And resulted in me using a whole half hour (when I usually thing an hour is too short to start something) in typing up ideas for the conference paper.

Baby steps, but you've got to start somewhere.

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